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Using Microsoft Teams without an account

With Microsoft Teams, you can hold video conferences with numerous participants. Many features are free to use, which makes the application all the more popular. If you don't want to schedule meetings yourself, but just want to join a conference, you can even do so entirely without an account.

How to use Microsoft Teams without an account on PC

While Teams requires you to have an account to create meetings, you can attend a meeting for free and without a user account.
  1. Open the meeting's email invitation and click "Join Microsoft Teams meeting."
  2. Now a web page opens with the following options: "Download the desktop app" or "Join via the web".
  3. Select the "Join via the web" option, enter your name, and confirm the audio and video settings.
  4. Click "Join now" to join the meeting.

How to use Teams without an account on your smartphone

You can also join meetings without an account via the Teams app on your smartphone. Hierfür klicken Sie vorab auf den Teilnahmelink in Ihrem E-Mail-Konto.
  1. Falls Sie die App noch nicht heruntergeladen haben, werden Sie zum App Store weitergeleitet. Ansonsten öffnet sich die App.
  2. Dort wählen Sie „Als Gast teilnehmen“ aus.
  3. Geben Sie Ihren Namen ein und klicken Sie auf „an Besprechung teilnehmen“.

By Halverson

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