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Activate PayPal One Touch: How it works

With PayPal, paying online is fast and effortless. By enabling One Touch, you complete the process even easier. Our guide shows how it works.

PayPal One Touch increases the convenience of online shopping by eliminating the need to log in.

One Touch means you no longer need to log in to PayPal. Clicking on the appropriate button (on the merchant's page) takes you directly to the PayPal page, and all you have to do is confirm the payment. This is the only action required - and it makes your purchases even faster.

PayPal: Activate One Touch - here's how to do it

The setup works as follows:
  1. Log in to paypal.com or open the app.
  2. Open the "Settings".
  3. Select "Security" and there the option "Stay logged in and pay faster".
  4. Select "Enable PayPal One Touch on all devices".
One Touch is compatible with all major devices and browsers. You can use the fast checkout equally on the PC as with the tablet or smartphone; whether Android, Apple or Windows, it does not matter.As far as security is concerned, however, there are also risks: Die Login-Daten werden schließlich über Browser-Cookies gespeichert, was bei Finanzdaten eigentlich nicht ratsam ist, auch wenn es in den meisten Fällen keine Folgen hat.

By Stephanus

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