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LinkedIn: Insert Emojis - how to do it

Emojis are a handy tool to add humor to a message or better illustrate emotions. Although LinkedIn is a professional career network, the use of emojis is also very popular here. We reveal how to insert emojis on LinkedIn.

How to copy and paste emojis on LinkedIn

By using icons, you can optimize your profile and add a personal touch to messages. Here's how to paste emojis on LinkedIn:
  1. Search the Internet for a list of emojis that are in Unicode/UTF8 format.
  2. Highlight the appropriate emoji and right-click to copy it. At the appropriate place paste the emoji with a right-click on the mouse and "Paste" again.
  3. Alternatively, use the key combination [Ctrl] + [c] to copy and [Ctrl] + [v] to paste the emoji.
  4. Use Unicodes to create emojis.

Insert Emojis on LinkedIn via Windows

Optionally, you can also use the Windows emoji list. To do this, click the right mouse button and simply select a suitable symbol under the menu item "Emojis". Also create emojis themselves is now easily possible.

By Arlyne

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