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Xing: Show profile visitors - how to do it

The social network Xing is not necessarily about having many views on your own profile. Nevertheless, it is interesting for many users who has accessed their own profile and how often accesses take place at all. Fortunately, this function is already implemented in Xing.

Xing: How to show profile visitors

Xing already includes by default the feature that you can see who visited your profile and through which path they came across it.
  1. As soon as you open your profile, you will see your profile visitors at the top of the page.
  2. In addition, next to the visitor's picture, you can see from which page they accessed your profile.
  3. In addition to the display of profile visitors, there are significantly more functions, but they are not included in the free profile at Xing.
  4. By concluding a Xing Premium membership, you have more options available.
  5. So you can, for example, also go to the profiles of your visitors and even see which search terms they used to find you.

Xing: Profilbesucher anzeigen – das geht mit Premium

  1. Für eine Mitgliedschaft von über 12 Monaten zahlen Sie bei Xing aktuell 76,20 Euro.
  2. Dadurch stehen Ihnen weitere Suchfilter für andere Personen zur Verfügung sowie die Möglichkeit, Nachrichten an andere Personen zu schicken.
  3. Zusätzlich sehen Sie, wie oft ein Besucher auf Ihrem Profil war und wie er es gefunden hat.

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