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Contao Update: All steps explained

To be able to update Contao, there are a few things to keep in mind so that you don't lose any files for your website. Besides the manual update, there is also the possibility to update the CMS with Contao-Live with just one click.

Manual and automatic update for Contao

To update Contao quickly and easily, you can use Contao-Live. Just click the "Request a live update ID" button below and follow the wizard's instructions afterwards.To manually update Contao, you should backup the following files as a precaution:
  • files/*
  • system/config/decaconfig.php
  • system/config/initconfig.php
  • system/config/langconfig.php
  • system/config/localconfig.php
  • templates/*
Then decide if you want to replace all files or if you only want to synchronize files.
  • To replace, simply install the latest version of Contao, unzip the files on your computer and finally transfer them to the server using an FTP program. Finally, insert the backed up backup files.
  • To synchronize data only instead, i.e. insert missing update files, connect to your server via FTP program. Then click on "Synchronize files" and make the desired settings. Finally, click on "OK". Then synchronize the databases via the Contao installer.
As a last step after the Contao update, you should clear the cache. In the backend, click on "System Maintenance" and navigate to "Clean data > Clear internal cache".

By Donelson

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