HOME > System software > Enlarge Gif - These Options Are Available

Enlarge GIF - these options are available

Having created a GIF or found an interesting GIF that is too small or too large for you, you can edit it. Since the images may be distorted, it is necessary to use a suitable editing program. It can calculate and apply the optimal dimensions for the image.

How to enlarge a GIF to your liking

If you want to enlarge a GIF to your liking, it is not possible with every program. Otherwise, you risk distorting the images and thus degrading the resolution of the GIF. To adjust the size to your liking anyway, a suitable editing program is needed.
  1. A free program that can help you is Paint.net.
  2. Download the program and install it.
  3. After that, open the GIF you want to enlarge with the program and enlarge the individual images. To do this, go to "Image" in the menu bar and select the option "Resize".
  4. Now you can enter exact values for the desired size. It is best to enter the width and let the program calculate the appropriate height, so you avoid distortions.
  5. As an alternative, the image editing program GIMP. Auch dieses können Sie kostenlos herunterladen und verwenden.
  6. Für beide Programme gibt es zahlreiche Plugins, mit denen Sie Ihr GIF noch weiter bearbeiten können.

By Ardme

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