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iPhone X: Cleaning the Camera - Be Careful

If your photos show strange spots or simply appear blurry, your lens may be dirty. This happens quite quickly, as you often get your fingers on the lens during the usual handling of your iPhone X, or it gets dirty from your host bag.

iPhone X: Cleaning the camera - here's how

When cleaning, the most important thing is to be careful. The camera lens is a sensitive instrument that can quickly scratch.
  1. Lay your smartphone flat with the display on a surface through which it can not scratch.
  2. Take a microfiber cloth to the aid and wipe with it carefully in small circular motions over the iPhone X lens.
  3. If coarse dust is already noticeable in advance, try to remove it first by blowing or by using a brush.
  4. Alternatively, you can also use an eyeglass cleaning cloth to carefully remove fine grease spots with it.
  5. If you do not have one at hand, it is also sufficient to moisten the cloth with warm water and carefully drive over the lens.

The lens from the inside

  1. If you notice that dirt has settled on the lens from the inside, you must proceed differently.
  2. Zur Entfernung des Gehäuses benötigen Sie spezielles Werkzeug und Fingerspitzengefühl.
  3. Lassen Sie die Reinigung im Zweifel von einem Fachmann übernehmen, um Schäden zu vermeiden.

By Dulcine

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