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Apex Legends: Party not ready - what you can do

Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game that you can download and play on various platforms. The storyline takes place about 30 years after the events of Titanfall 2. If you want to join a game, you may encounter the message "Party not ready". This bug can be fixed in different ways.

This is what you can do about the "Party not ready" error in Apex Legends

In order to play in the free-to-play game Apex Legends, you must first join a game. However, as with any online game, you may encounter various error messages. If you receive the message "Party not ready", you will not be able to join a game. The error can be fixed with the help of a few steps.
  1. The error "Party not ready" usually appears when you try to join a game in Apex Legends. With that being said, the message also occurs at times when you are trying to join a match alone, regardless of whether you belong to a party.
  2. If you are already in a party, leave it first. Try to invite your friends to a new lobby and start a match again. Für gewöhnlich löst dies das Problem bereits.
  3. Spielen Sie alleine, öffnen Sie zunächst die „Einstellungen“ und schließen Sie diese direkt wieder. Starten Sie erneut ein Spiel.
  4. Auch ein Wechseln zwischen den Menüs kann unter Umständen helfen, den Fehler zu beheben.
  5. Am häufigsten hilft jedoch einfach, das Spiel neu zu starten. Taucht der Fehler häufiger auf, installieren Sie das Spiel komplett neu.

By Flight Burmside

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