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Windows Explorer always crashes - here's what to do

Windows Explorer is used to open folders and navigate the Windows file system. In doing so, you have various options and can also view hidden folders. It can happen that the Explorer crashes constantly. What solution helps then?

Why does Windows Explorer always crash?

Windows Explorer can crash for several reasons.
  1. If you want to open a network path with Explorer without it existing, this can cause Explorer to crash. So make sure that the path is also accessible before you address it.
  2. If Explorer crashes when you right-click, you may be clicking on a program that has already been removed. Explorer then does not find the program and cannot retrieve the required options.
  3. If Explorer hangs when you try to play a video, this may be due to a missing codec. In this case, you should open the video directly with the appropriate player.
  4. Use the Windows Troubleshooter to track down the error. If you still do not find the error, you should try to reset Windows to factory settings. Dazu gehen Sie unten links auf die Suchleiste und geben „Diesen PC zurücksetzen“ ein. Nun müssen Sie nur noch auf den Button „Los geht’s“ klicken.

By Cari

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