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Huawei P30 Pro: Use navigation - this is how it works

With your Huawei P30 Pro you have the possibility to use navigation even without TomZom. That's because the smartphone has GPS and the necessary software to track your position and get you to your destination, whether you're traveling by car, train, or on foot.

How does navigation work with the Huawei P30 Pro?

In order to navigate to your destination with your Huawei P30 Pro, you need an app that does just that. Popular and already preinstalled on Android are the Google apps. With Google Maps, for example, you have a reliable app for navigation with your Huawei P30 Pro. This is how you use the app:
  1. Open Google Maps on your Huawei P30 Pro or download the app from the Google Play Store.
  2. If your GPS is deactivated, you will now see a message and can turn it on. However, if location services are enabled, the map and your location will be called up directly.
  3. To enter navigation to a destination, tap the blue "Route" button.
  4. Leave "My Location" or enter an address at the top. In the field below, enter your destination. Danach ermittelt Google Maps die Route sofort.
  5. Darunter können Sie per Icon wählen, ob Sie mit dem Auto, mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs sein werden.
  6. Tippsen Sie links unten auf „Starten“, damit Sie per Navigation ans Ziel geleitet werden.

By Ainsley

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