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Cancel Amazon Fresh - quit the delivery service

Certainly, Amazon Fresh is a convenient way to have your groceries delivered directly to your doorstep. However, you have to pay additional fees for the service, which are only worthwhile if you use Amazon Fresh constantly. Find out how to cancel Amazon Fresh here.

How to cancel Amazon Fresh

Cancelling Amazon Fresh is straightforward, and you can complete this process within minutes.
  1. First, open the Amazon website on your PC and log in to your customer account with your credentials.
  2. You will now be taken to Amazon's homepage and you will need to select the "My Prime Membership" button in the top menu bar.
  3. Find the "Prime Add-ons" category and click on the Amazon Fresh membership.
  4. You will now be shown the options you can take regarding your Amazon Fresh membership. Click on the "Cancel Membership" option.
  5. Another window will now open where you can make your cancellation and confirm the selection.
  6. Your membership will now end automatically in the next billing cycle.

Can you use the service again at any time?

Amazon offers you that you can use any service, as well as Amazon Fresh, at any time. The only requirement that you need to fulfill is that you have a Prime subscription. Because only then you can use the service of Amazon Fresh.

By Kevina Palomin

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