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Dishonored 2 won't start - what you can do

The game Dishonored 2 is released for both Windows computers and console. Depending on which device you want to launch the game from, there may be different reasons behind it when the process is not possible. We show how you can solve the problem.

What to do if Dishonored 2 won't start

Dishonored 2 can be played on various devices. Regardless, you may still be unable to launch the game. To fix the error, you have several possible solutions at your disposal.
  1. First, restart the corresponding device. Then try to start the game again.
  2. If you start Dishonored 2 via Steam, check whether the application is running in the background. To do this, press the key combination "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "Esc". In the Task Manager, see "Dishonored 2" in the list of active apps, right-click the entry and select "End Task".
  3. Also, try to start the game as administrator. To do this, right-click on "Dishonored 2" in the Steam library. Select "Properties" > "Local Files" > "Browse Local Files". Go to the program file and right-click on it. Anschließend klicken Sie auf „Eigenschaften“ > „Kompatibilität“ und aktivieren die Option „Programm als Administrator ausführen“.
  4. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Grafikkartentreiber und das Betriebssystem Ihres Geräts auf dem neusten Stand sind. Updaten Sie diese gegebenenfalls.

By Nashoma Dillworth

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