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Satisfactory: All info on the AWESOME Sink

Even the best supply chain throws off surplus goods. However, you can turn these into countable items in Satisfactory - thanks to the AWESOME Sink. We explain how it works.

Lucrative use of leftovers: thanks to AWESOME Sink, overproduction is no problem.

Satisfactory thrives on ever-expanding production lines. The AWESOME Sink is all the more useful for this reason.

Satisfactory: AWESOME Sink wants to be fed

The AWESOME Sink has an input for an assembly line. Through this, it obtains the materials that are subsequently recycled.
  • You can connect the building to both production chains and manually filled containers.
  • In both cases, the same thing happens inside the AWESOME Sink: any items it is filled with earn you points.
  • The value of the object determines how many points it gives. For example, a computer is many times more valuable than a basic material such as copper or iron.
  • Once the required points are reached, you will receive a coupon. In the AWESOME Sink, a new counter then begins; with each time more points must be reached.
You must manually remove the vouchers as soon as they are ready to print. Then you can go on a shopping spree in the AWESOME Shop. Items from all categories are included there, in addition to practical objects such as components, interesting decorative pieces and gadgets with which you can visually upgrade your base.

By Dripps

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