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Satisfactory: This is the Space Elevator - all info

The concept of a space elevator has been covered in numerous science fiction media. In Satisfactory, the impressive construct also exists and serves a special purpose there.

Transporting materials into space: the Space Elevator brings precious cargo into orbit.

Progress in Satisfactory is divided into tiers ("Tiers"). Only with the Space Elevator you unlock higher tiers.

Satisfactory: Space Elevator brings progress

You can build the Space Elevator quite early.
  • It requires several special project parts to unlock the next tiers.
  • This happens in the following steps: You unlock technological ranks 1 and 2 without a space elevator. The levels 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, and 9 and 10 are achieved in the Space Elevator in each case in the double pack.
  • While requirements are increasingly demanding in the special parts. This affects both the production chains and the quantities.
  • You can not produce these parts at the workbench, but only in the assembler or in the Manufacturer.
So between the progress levels passes a relatively long time. In this you get to know the newly acquired technologies and build them into your processes. There is no reason to rush because of this; you should always take care of the Space Elevator only when the current technologies have been sufficiently implemented, otherwise the path to the special parts would be extremely tedious.

By Lumbye

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