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Upload File in PHP - how to do it

PHP is a programming language based on C and Perl. It can be used to design dynamic websites. This includes the use of upload buttons, which make it possible to upload files. PHP is one of various programming languages that is suitable for such purposes.

How to upload files in PHP

This function allows you to upload files to your own web server. This is possible for certain types of files as well as for selected users. Thereby you should have basic knowledge for coding websites, so that you can program this function satisfactorily. Many website providers therefore already offer ready-made tools. Otherwise, IT specialists will help.
  1. First, you create a form, which you succeed via HTML coding.
  2. Now this must be configured so that you can not only retrieve it, but also learn whether it was sent and whether the upload has proceeded.
  3. The HTML coding contains the file name, the type and the size, any errors and the temporary directory.
  4. This allows you to query whether an upload is present, so that this can be processed further afterwards.
  5. Now the further coding can be done via PHP.
  6. So it must be recorded, for example, which file types can be uploaded and whether there are restrictions on the users. So kann etwa vermieden werden, dass unliebsame Dateien hochgeladen werden, die womöglich Schäden anrichten.
  7. Viele Websites bieten Ihnen für den Befehl „Upload File“ in PHP spezielle Codierungen an, die Sie auf Ihrer Website nutzen können. So finden Sie diese etwa bei PHP-Kurs oder bei „PHP einfach.

By Nicko

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