HOME > L > Lock For The E-Scooter - How To Secure Your Vehicle

Lock for the e-scooter - how to secure your vehicle

If you also want to ride an e-scooter, you can buy a vehicle or rent it from one of the numerous providers. E-scooters are very easy to steal, as they are lighter and more manageable than, for example, bicycles. For this reason, it is important to use a suitable lock.

These locks are available for e-scooters

The theft rate for e-scooters is getting higher. This is mainly because they are lighter and handier than other vehicles. For this very reason, it is important that you secure your vehicle accordingly when you park it unobserved.
  1. Till now, there are only a few or no locks for e-scooters.
  2. Many companies explain this by saying that an e-scooter with the many small rollers is difficult to lock.
  3. The ADAC has also already commented on this problem and recommends the use of several bicycle locks. You can fall back especially on handcuff locks.
  4. Be sure to lock the e-scooter especially on the front frame or also on the folding mechanism.
  5. Even rental providers, such as Lime, have to contend with this problem and usually resort to software solutions. So können Sie den E-Scooter lediglich über die App sperren oder entsperren.
  6. Möchten Sie Ihr Fahrzeug zudem auch im Falle eines Diebstahls schnell wiederfinden, dann lohnt es sich, ein elektronisches Schloss, wie beispielsweise GPS, zu verwenden. So können Sie das Fahrzeug jederzeit orten.

By Bernstein Strief

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