HOME > V > Viber: Delete Message - How To Do It

Viber: delete message - how to do it

Thanks to quite a few chat contacts, it can happen to accidentally send a message to the wrong recipient. If that happens to you with Viber, our guide explains how to delete the message.

Quickly undo: Viber messages can be easily deleted.

The Internet is full of little kick traps, and that includes misdirected chat messages. In modern apps like Viber, this can be fixed.

Viber: How to delete messages

Proceed as follows:
  1. Open the chat in which the accidental message is located.
  2. Press your finger on the message you want to delete.
  3. A window with several options appears. There you can decide whether you want to delete the message only for yourself or also for the recipient.
In most cases, you want to remove the message from the field of view of the recipient. The latter will not be able to see what you have written afterwards.

By Geer

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