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Viber Messenger costs - what is involved?

Viber Messenger is a voice-over-IP service that is frequently used in the gaming sector. The messenger can be seen as a mixture between Skype and WhatsApp. The software is basically free, but there may be additional costs for other services.

What does Viber Messenger cost you

In its basic function, the voice-over-IP service is free. However, other functions that you can use with the software are usually associated with additional costs.
  1. As with Skype, you can also make calls over the Internet with Viber. For this, you only need to register with your phone number. The call itself is completely free.
  2. However, when using it, be aware that you may incur costs for Internet use. These depend on the selected Internet provider and the tariff.
  3. Also data volume can be consumed when using Viber. Therefore, you should also be careful when using it.
  4. If you want to contact people who do not have Viber installed via the "Viber Out" function, costs may be incurred.
  5. To use the function, you must create a Viber Out account and then load credit. Das Geld wird anschließend nur von Ihrem Guthaben abgezogen.
  6. Die Kosten für einen Anruf hängen dabei vom Land ab, aus dem Sie anrufen und dem Land, in dem sich Ihr Gegenüber befindet.

By Bryn Jancar

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