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The Sims 3: Install Mods - what you need

In The Sims 3 game, as in its predecessors, you can customize your Sims as you wish. However, the third part offers you even more options to customize both the exterior and the life of your Sims. If the selection is still not enough, you can install various mods.

How to install mods for Sims 3

If the content in the base game in The Sims 3 is not enough for you, or you want to influence the lives of your Sims in a different way, mods are a great option. There are already numerous mods for the game, ranging from clothes and hairstyles to new story elements. However, to install mods for Sims, a detour is necessary.
  1. Mods can be found all over the Internet on various websites. There are mods usually as a ZIP or RAR file. Therefore, you must first unzip the folder.
  2. Now go to the installation folder of "The Sims 3". You can find this under "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3", depending on which installation path you have selected.
  3. Then go to the folder "Mods". Here should be the folder "Packages" and the file "Resource.cfg". Sind diese nicht vorhanden, dann müssen Sie die Ordner und die Datei selbst erstellen.
  4. Kopieren Sie nun den zuvor entpackten Mod-Ordner in den „Packages“-Ordner. Anschließend können Sie das Spiel starten.

By Silvanus

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