HOME > Windows > Taskbar In Windows 10 Doesn't Disappear - That's Why

Taskbar in Windows 10 doesn't disappear - That's why

The taskbar in Windows 10 is used to have an overview of the active programs. Do you want it to appear only when you move your mouse to the edge, but the taskbar in Windows 10 does not disappear, there is a solution.

Automatically hiding the taskbar

By default, since some versions of Windows, it is no longer possible to open and edit the clipboard. For this reason, you need external software to restore.
  1. Click on a free space of your taskbar with a right-click to open a new menu.
  2. From this now select the option "Taskbar Settings".
  3. Now activate the checkbox "Automatically hide taskbar in desktop mode" and then save your change with "OK".
  4. Now the taskbar is automatically hidden. Only when you move the mouse over the area in which it would otherwise be present, it appears again by itself.

The taskbar does not disappear by itself

Sometimes it happens that despite the correct settings, the taskbar does not disappear by itself. Restarting Explorer solves this problem:
  1. Now open the task manager. Klicken Sie eventuell auf „Mehr anzeigen“.
  2. Wechseln Sie in den Abschnitt „Prozesse“ zum Eintrag Windows Explorer.
  3. Klicken Sie auf den Button Neustarten um das Problem zu lösen.
  4. Im Zweifel kann es allerdings auch sein, dass Sie den kompletten Computer neu starten müssen, damit die Änderungen auch tatsächlich aktiv werden.

By Caia Podgurski

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