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Report YouTube video - how to do it

YouTube is the leading platform for uploading videos. Everyone has the opportunity to upload and distribute their own content. It often happens that users do not adhere to the portal's usage guidelines and upload inappropriate content such as depictions of violence. You can report such videos.

Infringement of copyrights on YouTube

If you discover a video that does not comply with YouTube's guidelines, you can of course report it. These are, for example, accounts that upload music that does not belong to them. This also includes depictions of violence or sexual content. YouTube offers the option of reporting such videos to the portal so that they are quickly taken off the site.

How to report a YouTube video

To report a video as inappropriate, go to YouTube's website and log in with your user account.
  1. Call up the video you want to report and click on the "three-dot menu" next to it.
  2. Select "Report" from the drop-down menu and choose one of the items offered that describes your reason for reporting in more detail.
  3. You can also report inappropriate videos to YouTube on your mobile device by tapping "Report" in the three-dot menu next to the video and providing a reason.
  4. The procedure for reporting a video is the same whether you use an Android device or an iPhone or iPad.

By Raynell Birdine

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