HOME > Streaming > How Do I Set Up My Chromecast? You'll Need

How do I set up my Chromecast? You'll need

Meanwhile, setting up your Chromecast requires a few preparations. First, you will need a smartphone running Android or iOS. Alternatively, you can also use a tablet for this purpose. Furthermore, you need the associated app and have to make some settings.

How do I set up my Chromecast? The first steps

Setting up a Chromecast is not that difficult. However, it is important that you do all the preparations properly.
  1. First, download and install the Google Home app on your smartphone.
  2. Further, you need to create a Google account.
  3. Take the Chromecast in hand and connect it to an HDMI input on your TV. A connection to the power grid must also be established.
  4. Now check that your smartphone is also connected to your WLAN network. If this is not the case, first set up a connection.

How does the installation

  1. Have you done all the steps correctly, now turn on the TV.
  2. Switch to the HDMI source to which the Chromecast is connected.
  3. Öffnen Sie nun die Google Home App und tippen Sie oben rechts auf das Bildschirmsymbol.
  4. Nun wählen Sie den Chromecast aus der Liste der verfügbaren Geräte aus.
  5. Nach einem kurzen Moment sollte Ihr Chromecast erkannt werden und Sie müssen nur noch den Anweisungen des Assistenten folgen.

By Gelman

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