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Is Bluetooth allowed on planes? What to consider

There are many points and rules to consider when traveling by airplane. Whether it is your luggage or the electronic devices you are allowed to use inside the plane. Generally, smaller devices, such as tablets, smartphones and the like, are allowed under certain conditions.

Is Bluetooth allowed on the plane?

If you decide to fly by plane, it makes sense to find out about the various rules beforehand. This starts with the allowed luggage and goes all the way to the devices you can take directly onto the plane. In principle, all smaller electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones are allowed. However, this comes with restrictions.
  1. Electronic devices may only be used during the flight, and they must be in flight mode. This means that all transmitting and receiving functions are deactivated before takeoff.
  2. Note that the devices must not be used during takeoff and landing. In addition, they must be secured so that no one can be injured. Turn off here your devices completely and am stow them in your carry-on luggage.
  3. As devices where you can not turn off the transmit and receive function are usually prohibited, it stands to reason that Bluetooth must also be completely turned off.
  4. Independent on whether you want to connect wireless keyboards, headphones or the like via Bluetooth, this is not allowed.
  5. If you are unsure what is allowed and what is not, you can ask the airline directly.

By Janaye Spitznogle

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