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Surface Pro 6 does not respond - these are your options

With the Surface Pro 6, Microsoft has released a new tablet that is available for just under 1,000 euros. However, even at this price, it can happen that the device does not wake up from sleep mode or cannot be turned on. Usually, a restart is enough to fix the error.

Why does the Surface Pro 6 stop responding?

If your Surface Pro 6 stops responding correctly, there may be several reasons.
  1. Before you start troubleshooting, disconnect any external devices such as USB or Bluetooth devices from the tablet. It is possible that one of these devices is causing the error.
  2. Connect your tablet to the power adapter. If the device's LED does not light up despite power being applied, your power adapter may be damaged and the tablet may simply be empty. Try using a different power adapter.
  3. Also make sure the Surface has enough power. Charge it for 10 to 15 minutes before turning the device back on.
  4. Possibly the display driver is not up to date. You can update this with a certain key combination. Haben Sie eine Tastatur angeschlossen, ist die Kombination „Windows-Taste + Steuerung + Umschalt-Taste + B“. Haben Sie keine Tastatur, drücken Sie einfach die Lauter- und Leiser-Taste gleichzeitig dreimal kurz hintereinander.
  5. Erzwingen Sie einen Neustart, indem Sie die Power-Taste länger gedrückt halten und so das Tablet direkt ausschalten.

By Aleta Nadal

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