HOME > Contract > O2 Find Customer Number: These Steps Are Necessary

o2 Find customer number: These steps are necessary

When you sign a mobile contract with o2, you usually receive a customer number. You need this if you want to make changes to the contract or even cancel it. If you no longer know the customer number, you can find it out in various ways.

How to find your o2 customer number

If you have problems with your o2 contract or want to cancel it, you need your customer number. You will usually receive this as soon as you become a customer of o2. However, if you no longer know the number, you have several options to find it out again.
  1. The customer number is usually on every invoice you receive from o2. If you do not receive it by mail or email, then you can usually access it in your customer center.
  2. To do this, go to My o2 via your browser. Click on "Log in now" and log in there with your login details.
  3. Click here on "Current bill". Then select "Download bill". Sobald der Download abgeschlossen wurde, können Sie oben rechts den Eintrag „Ihre Kundennummer“ auf der Rechnung finden.
  4. Alternativ finden Sie die Kundennummer auch auf Ihrem Kontoauszug, wenn Sie als Zahlungsmethode den Bankeinzug gewählt haben.
  5. Finden Sie Ihre Kundennummer dennoch nicht, wenden Sie sich an den Kundenservice von o2. Für gewöhnlich kann dieser Ihnen weiterhelfen.

By Dierolf Herrel

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