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WoW Classic: How to get the epic hunter quest

In the original World of Warcraft, there was a very special quest for hunters. This one was hard to get and even harder to master - accordingly, it was popular. In WoW Classic, you can play the quest again.

Iconic significance: the epic hunter quest is an important part of WoW history.

With the world-famous hunter quest, players could obtain the best bow in the game at the time. In addition, it was about the honor of having passed the quest.

WoW Classic: Hunter's Quest as the ultimate challenge

No wonder, then, that the quest was often played in WoW Classic as well.
  • The quest is started via an item that can drop in Molten Core at Majordomus Executus. However, since the item is not soulbound, you do not necessarily have to participate in the raid - trading or buying it is also possible.
Have you received the "Ancient Petrified Leaf", you start several quest series. The focus is on single combat against four unique, special enemies:
  • Artorius the Doomed is located in Winterspring.
  • Solenor the Butcher wanders around in Silithus just outside the entrance to Ahn'Qiraj.
  • Simone the Seductress can be found in Un'Goro Crater.
  • Klinfran the Mad is located in the Burning Steppe.
Important: You must necessarily defeat these enemies alone. Also, you will need some luck, as the intervention of other players (even enemy) will cause the mobs to despawn.At the end of the quest series, in which you must also pay a visit to Onyxia, you will get the bow Rhok'delar, which is the best bow in the game until the pitchwing hoard. With another quest line, you will also get the best quiver in WoW Vanilla.

By Rochus

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