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Divide hard disk: How to create different partitions

In the more recent versions of the Windows operating system, you can split your hard drive. This means that by partitioning, you create multiple drives to which the storage space is divided. New computers are rarely partitioned out of the box, so partitioning is often handy.

How to divide your hard drive space into partitions

Most of the time there is only one partition on the hard drives of newly purchased PCs. On this one, both the operating system and all other data are then stored. On the one hand, this is impractical, on the other hand, it can also quickly become very dangerous in terms of data loss. In case of a virus attack, for example, the operating system has to be reinstalled. Then it is possible that all data is irrevocably lost if it is stored on a single partition. If you want to protect yourself, better save the operating system and programs on a separate partition and all data separately.

So you divide your hard drive into several partitions

Without additional software, you can divide the partitions via the Disk Management. You can get into it by pressing the key combination "Windows" + "R" and executing the command "diskmgmt.msc".
  1. In Disk Management, search for the hard drive you want to split and right-click on it.
  2. Select "Shrink Volume" from the menu and resize the existing partition to make room for the new partition.
  3. In the freed space, you can then create a new partition by right-clicking. Wählen Sie hierzu „Neues einfaches Volumen“ aus dem Kontextmenü aus.
  4. Bestätigen Sie mit „Weiter“ und legen Sie Größe, Format und einen Namen für die neue Partition fest, bevor Sie den Vorgang mit „Fertigstellen“ beenden.

By Stoneham Banasiak

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