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GIMP: Retouch Portrait - Make Changes

To retouch a portrait using the GIMP image editor, there are several retouching tools. These will help you even out skin imperfections and remove red eyes from the photo. Get an overview of how to properly use the tools to edit your portrait.

Retouch Portrait: These tools are available in GIMP for skin optimization

If you are not satisfied with a portrait photo, GIMP offers you several ways to retouch your portrait. Especially important when retouching in GIMP are the two tools "Heal" and "Clone", which allow you to transfer image information from one area to another.
  1. To use one of the two retouching tools, for example to remove skin blemishes, open the image and zoom in on the area you want to correct by pressing the "plus" button.
  2. Then select one of the two tools from the toolbox by clicking on the "Patch icon" for Heal or the "Stamp icon" for Clone.
  3. Now press and hold the "CTRL" key while moving the cursor into the image to select a good skin area.
  4. Then click in the target area to transfer the previously selected area.

How to retouch the eyes in a portrait

To also optimize the eyes in a portrait shot, it is useful to first sharpen the image under "Filter" > "Enhance" > "Unsharp Mask". Then you have the option to darken the pupil or the eyelashes, you can add highlights or remove red eyes. To remove red eyes, GIMP offers you its own filter, which you can find under "Filter" > "Enhance" > "Remove red eyes".

By Edora

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