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Change text in PDF document - how to edit the page

If you are working on a document and want to share it without being able to make changes, save the document as a PDF. However, with the right software, it is still possible to change the text of a PDF document.

How to change text in PDF document

If you want to change the text in a PDF document, you need appropriate software. For this you have different options.
  1. You can use the free tool PDFZero in the browser.
  2. Here you just need to upload the PDF file using the upload button and then press "Start".
  3. After that, click on the thumbnail version of your PDF.
  4. Now you have the option to change letters, sentences or even formatting and font.
  5. Once you have made all the changes, finally click on "Save PDF" to save everything.
  6. Also paid software, such as Adobe Acrobat Pro, offer you many functions to be able to change a text in a PDF.
  7. With the PDF editor, you can change not only texts but also images in the file.
  8. Möchten Sie dagegen mit Word ein PDF bearbeiten, benötigen Sie zuvor einen Converter, mit dem Sie die PDF in ein Word-Dokument abändern.
  9. Anschließend ist es möglich, dieses Dokument in Word zu öffnen, zu bearbeiten und danach wieder als PDF zu exportieren.

By Jablon

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