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Kai Pflaume on YouTube: This channel is trending right now

In the vast field of YouTubers, it's difficult to stand out in a relatively short time. TV host Kai Pflaume, however, has managed to do so. Read what the format looks like, how to stream it, and why it's so popular.

Kai Pflaume meets the young YouTube generation: the format of EHRENPFLAUME hits the spot.

Kai Pflaume has been an integral part of the German TV landscape since his days as "Nur die Liebe zählt" host in the nineties. Unlike many colleagues, he has successfully mastered the leap into the YouTube scene.

This is why Kai Pflaume has become a YouTube star as EHRENPFLAUME

All info summarized:
  • The name of the channel is EHRENPFLAUME - this is at the same time a tribute to today's language culture, as it is shaped especially on YouTube.
  • The format: Kai Pflaume remains in the role of the presenter. In each episode, he visits a well-known German YouTube star and spends the day with him.
  • This involves various activities such as hiking, fitness training, driving or cooking. This forms the active background for the conversations, which are deliberately natural and casual.
  • The channel was only founded in April 2020, the first episode appeared at the beginning of September 2020. In this fairly short time, the channel was able to quickly gain popularity.
  • This is also due to the range of people visited: So Kai Pflaume visited for the first episode the streamer and YouTuber MontanaBlack, who is currently one of the most popular people in the scene.
Also Pamela Reif, Jean Pierre Krämer, Knossi and Felix von der Laden already appeared. On EHRENPFLAUME is published about one episode per week. Since the German YouTube scene still offers many prominent names and the channel continues to grow strongly, it can be assumed that the format will be operated even longer.

By Bertero Zickuhr

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