Google Stadia: Games for the gaming cloud
The unveiling of Google Stadia caused quite a stir, not least because of the technical specs used to implement cloud gaming. Nevertheless, the success of any platform stands and falls with the games that are available. These games are current playable with Google Stadia.
There is still little info on the games list for Google Stadia, just two examples.
Google Stadia: The first two games have already been confirmed
At the presentation of the new gaming platform during GDC 2019, two titles were played live:- Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Ubisoft's action RPG, which was released in 2018 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, is a useful drawing card, as it is technically very highly polished and sophisticated. In addition, Assassin's Creed is a strong brand name with media impact.
- Doom Eternal: The name Doom has legend status in the gaming scene. For Google Stadia, the latest spin-off is not only valuable because of this, but also because latency is a particularly important criterion in first-person shooters. The fluid presentation may therefore be taken as a signal.