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YouTube: Size for profile picture - which one fits?

Nowadays, YouTube is probably one of the most important video platforms around. Millions of users go to the platform every day to upload or watch videos. The figurehead of every YouTube channel is the profile picture, which every user sees and with which you are identified.

What is the right size for the profile picture on YouTube?

The YouTube profile picture should have the right size in any case, so that it is displayed correctly and you do not appear in the wrong light.
  1. Google itself recommends an image size of 800 x 800 pixels. Of course, you can upload an image with a different resolution, but it should be square in any case.
  2. Alternatively, upload a round image. Most professional YouTubers use a round image, as it looks a lot funnier and more appealing. This is rendered at 98 x 98 pixels.
  3. YouTube accepts JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP file formats. However, a GIF must not be animated.
  4. To change your profile picture, go to "My Channel" in YouTube after logging in and click on the small pencil at the top left. This stands for "Edit". Now just follow the instructions.
  5. How your profile is displayed on different devices ,you will learn in the Creator Academy. Here you can also get more useful information about the topic profile on YouTube.

By Daph Dyle

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