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You don't have permission to access on this server - what to do?

"You don't have permission to access on this server": if you see this error message, you are either visiting a website for which you don't have permissions or something is set incorrectly on your network.

Error message when visiting a website

If you visit an unknown website and receive the error message "You don't have permission to access on this server", you are accidentally trying to access a page for which you do not have permission. Usually, this is a site that should only be accessed by the administrator of the server and not by visitors to the site. Just look in the URL what the domain is called and search for it. This will take you to the home page of the website.

The same problem on most websites

On the other hand, if you see "You don't have permission to access on this server" on many websites and especially on pages that you could previously access without any problems, there is an error. First, disable your browser extensions that may be causing the problem.If this doesn't help, an incorrect proxy setting is often to blame. Indem Sie eine falschgesetzte Proxy-Adresse deaktivieren, lösen Sie das Problem:
  1. Öffnen Sie Ihren Browser.
  2. Dann öffnen Sie die Einstellungen. Meist ist die Option oben rechts zu finden.
  3. Lassen Sie sich dann die erweiterten Einstellungen anzeigen.
  4. Je nach Browser klicken Sie nun auf „Netzwerk“ oder „System“.
  5. In „Verbindungen“ oder Proxy-Einstellungen deaktivieren Sie nun das Proxy.

Problem auf eigenem Server

Taucht das Problem auf Ihrer eigenen Website auf, prüfen Sie die Berechtigungen in dem Directory. Wenn Sie keine Fehler finden, setzen Sie sich am besten mit Ihrem Provider auseinander.

By Buckler Bulls

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