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iPhone 12 screen black: This may be the reason

If the screen of your iPhone 12 no longer turns on and remains permanently black, there are numerous possible causes. First, you should rule out that only the battery is empty. If it's not the battery, try to find out if the screen is defective.

What you can do if the screen on the iPhone 12 is black

If the display of your iPhone 12 is black and the device can no longer be turned on, a defect of the screen or the entire smartphone is a possibility. First try to find the source of the error. iTunes will also help you.
  1. Charge the iPhone 12: Connect the device to a charging cable. A charging icon should be displayed, otherwise continue to search for the cause.
  2. Test Siri: Clearly say "Hey Siri" and wait to see if there is a response. If you hear Siri, but the display remains black, the touchscreen is defective.
  3. Connect the device to iTunes: Connect your iPhone 12 to your computer and check if iTunes can find the smartphone.
  4. Perform a reset: With a reset, you can force the iPhone to restart. To do this, press the power button and a volume button until the device reboots.
  5. Reset to factory settings: If no reset helps and you are sure that the screen is not broken, you can reset the device with iTunes to factory settings. Dabei werden allerdings alle persönlichen Daten, Fotos und Nachrichten gelöscht. Versuchen Sie, vor der Wiederherstellung über iTunes ein Backup anzulegen.

By Tybie

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