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Microsoft Excel: "Find and replace" - here's how

The "Find and replace" function allows you to quickly correct or update specific words or word combinations within a document. You can find the function quickly and easily.

Search and replace is very handy in many cases.

Excel: "Search and replace" made easy

The "Search and replace" function is also included in Word and is often used there. Since Word belongs to the Office suite just like Excel, you use the function in the same way in both programs. To use "Find and Replace", proceed as follows:
  1. Either go to "Edit" > "Find and Select" in the "Start" tab and click "Replace" or press the key combination "Ctrl" + "F". This opens a small window with two input fields.
  2. "Search for": Here you enter the word you want to replace.
  3. "Replace with": Enter here the word with which you want to replace the upper word.
  4. Click on the button "Replace all" to perform the operation.
  5. Under "Options" you can make additional settings before. Especially important is often the option "Case sensitive", otherwise it may be that the words are not replaced as desired.
Furthermore, they can precisely determine the range of the function: Whether you want to search and replace a term only within the sheet or in the entire workbook makes a big difference, after all.

Downloads, Apps & Tips on the topic

To download: Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Excel Mobile as Windows 10 app | Microsoft Excel OnlineDownload: SmartTools Multiple Search & Replace downloadOffice alternatives: Free replacement for Microsoft OfficeOffice software: Free programs you no longer want to do without Print

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