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Trello: Using templates - how to do it

The Kanban tool Trello helps to plan and organize projects by creating clear boards with cards and lists. If you would like to work even more effectively in Trello, the application offers different templates that you can use to create a board.

How to use templates in Trello to create new boards

By using Trello board templates, you don't have to start from scratch when creating boards. Trello offers templates in different categories, for example, business, education, design, project management, marketing or technology. To search and use a template in Trello, proceed as follows:
  1. On the left bar of the home page under "Boards" you will find "Templates" for different categories.
  2. Search for a template suitable for your purposes and open it. Now you can see all the important information about the respective template.
  3. If you want to use this template, click on "Use template" in the upper right corner.
  4. Give the template a name and choose whether you also want to keep the template cards.
  5. Schließen Sie den Vorgang mit einem Klick auf „Erstellen ab“.
  6. Bearbeiten Sie das Board unter anderem auch mit den praktischen Trello Shortcuts.
Um einen klaren Überblick in der Anwendung zu behalten, empfiehlt sich das Löschen eines Trello Boards, sobald Sie dieses nicht mehr benötigen.

By Anastase Boelk

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