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LibreOffice: Using templates - how to set it up

If you use LibreOffice regularly, it can be worthwhile to create templates quite quickly. Documents that have already been created can be set up as templates in the program, and you can also use pre-made templates. Using pre-made documents is quite easy and works out quickly.

LibreOffice: How to use your own templates

In addition to the default templates available, there is still the possibility to create your own variations as well as download free options from the Internet.
  1. However, it often happens that you create similar documents and therefore want to create your own templates.
  2. To do this, open the file from which you want to gain a template and click "Document Template" under "File" and then "Save as Template".
  3. Now you can use the template by clicking "File" again and select the option "Templates" under "New".
  4. About this step, by the way, you can also get to the document templates that are already installed in LibreOffice in advance.

Weitere Vorlagen herunterladen

  1. Neben den standardmäßigen Vorlagen innerhalb der Software gibt es einige weitere Möglichkeiten, um an neue Varianten zu gelangen.
  2. Auf der offiziellen Webseite von LibreOffice erhalten Sie viele vorgefertigte Dokumente für diverse Anlässe.
  3. Unter den Vorlagen finden Sie Varianten von Trainingsplänen, bis hin zu speziellen Kalendern und medizinischen Plänen.

By Kenric Baskow

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