HOME > Windows > Windows Partition: May I Delete The Large Amd Folder?

Windows partition: May I delete the large AMD folder?

When things get tight on a hard disk partition, the search for those responsible is on. Owners of an AMD graphics card will encounter a large folder. We clarify the question of whether you can simply delete it.

Not at all frugal: The AMD folder takes up a lot of space.

AMD graphics cards such as the RX 5700 XT are regularly provided with new software. These packages are relatively large, around 1 GB per update is not uncommon.

AMD folder on the Windows partition: deletion allowed?

But installing the software is not enough for AMD. For backup purposes, the download files are namely all saved.
  • These can be found in the folder "C:\AMD" by default.
  • Open the folder and you will see all previous updates listed. After just a few years, this can occupy 20 to 30 GB.
  • The highlight is that these files are no longer needed at all for operation. So you can empty the AMD folder with a clear conscience.
In many cases, the AMD folder is the biggest factor when it comes to creating space on the Windows partition. For the sake of completeness, you should also remember to empty the Recycle Bin as well to really remove any residue.

By Gazo Fiveash

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