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How can I cancel my subscription to Kaspersky?

With the subscription to Kaspersky Total Security, you get important tools to protect your devices from third-party access and malware. If you no longer need the subscription, you can cancel it at the end of the validity period. Otherwise, it will be renewed automatically.

How to cancel your subscription with Kaspersky

Kaspersky Total Security is a security software that you can buy by subscription for one or two years. If you no longer need the subscription, then you have the option to cancel it online without any problems. If you cancel the subscription during the current validity period, it will end at the end of that period. If you do not cancel the subscription, it will be automatically renewed.
  1. First go to the FindmyOrder website of Kaspersky.
  2. Enter your order number and password here, which you received by email at the beginning of your order.
  3. Finally, click on "Search".
  4. After that, you will be shown the details of the order and you can cancel it via the corresponding button.
  5. Alternatively, you can cancel your subscription via customer service. Again, enter your order number and enter the requested information.
  6. Followed by enter in the text box that you want to cancel your subscription at the next possible date. Send the message using the "Send Email" button. Note that the subscription has been canceled only when you receive a confirmation email.

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