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Microsoft Teams: Monitoring employees?

Data protection is increasingly becoming a core issue in the communications sector. Even on the Microsoft Teams platform, the question of the extent to which the activity of a company's employees can be monitored keeps coming up. After all, the application records more data than many users think.

Can Microsoft Teams be used for monitoring?

Although Microsoft takes the issue of data privacy seriously, accusations are mounting that the application could be used to monitor employee productivity. The Activity Monitor plays an essential role in this. It allows system administrators of an organization to see what activities a user is performing in Microsoft Teams. In addition, Microsoft has announced further analysis and reporting tools for the Teams application that provide even deeper insight into an employee's activity log.What role does the user activity monitor play in Microsoft Teams monitoring?A user's activity monitor provides insight into the following areas, among others:
  • User activity: A graph shows how many individual activities (for example, clicks) a user has performed in a given period.
  • Messages: Der Administrator kann sehen, wie viele Nachrichten Sie in einem bestimmten Kanal oder in einzelnen Chats verfasst haben. Auch die Anzahl der Anrufe und teilgenommenen sowie selbst organisierten Meetings ist einsehbar.
  • Letzte Anmeldung: Obwohl Sie den Teams-Status ändern können, zeigt der Aktivitätsmonitor an, wann Sie das letzte Mal angemeldet waren.

By Punak

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