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WoW brand: what's the current rate? How to find out

The introduction of the WoW token was a special maneuver by Blizzard, as it allowed the legal transfer of real money and in-game gold. This makes it all the more interesting to look at the price of the token.

Europe in the midfield: the price of the WoW token varies depending on the server region.

You can exchange a WoW token for game time. To do this, you need to buy the token in the auction house with gold. However, the prices there vary in each case depending on the regional server economy.

WoW token: region is crucial

The prices of the WoW token depend on the region.
  • For an overview, the page wowtokenprices.com was designed. This does not come from Blizzard itself, but the information is always correct and up to date.
  • There you can see the current prices of the WoW token in all regions. The historical price trend is also visible.
  • Striking: As of October 2020, the brand is cheapest in the US market with 150,000 gold. The highest price players pay on Chinese servers with almost 300,000 gold.
  • The EU servers are with almost 200,000 gold per mark in between.
It should be noted that the course can put down strong movements at any time by major announcements or events. Thus, the prices are always a snapshot and it will be exciting to see how the release of Shadowlands affects.

By Barris Escoe

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