Android: Manually push WhatsApp backup
Already in 2018, WhatsApp switched its services for creating backups and now uses a cooperation with Google Drive. From this point on, users will have unlimited storage space for backups on Drive. This change means backups no longer need to be stored locally.
Android: Backup WhatsApp manually - here's how
In order to create a manual backup and use the new Drive storage, you must first open WhatsApp.- Do not select a chat, but tap directly on the top right on the three dots below each other and select "Settings" in the following menu.
- The next item you need to select is "Security". From there it goes on to "Chats".
- You will now find the button "Chat Backup", through which you will be directed to another menu.
- You can see there when a backup was last created and can overwrite the current one by "Backup".
- Further you will find settings for when a backup should be created in Drive.
Wo liegen die Unterschiede?
- Ursprünglich war es so, dass in Google Drive nur ein einziges Backup angelegt werden konnte.
- Durch die Neuerung 2018 sind durch den unbegrenzten Speicherplatz jetzt mehrere Backups möglich.
- Dieses Feature war nur lokal auf dem Smartphone möglich und begrenzte sich auf sieben Kopien.