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What is LTE Hybrid? What the technology can do

LTE Hybrid is a fairly new way of using the Internet, which allows you to always enjoy the best connection at home. A hybrid router allows you not only to receive Internet via DSL, but also to use the LTE network. This will allow you to switch to a better connection if your connection is weak.

What is LTE Hybrid? You should know

Many users are not directly connected to a good DSL network, but receive mobile 4G. The reverse situation often arises as well. LTE Hybrid combines both.
  1. It is quite common, especially in rural areas, that the DSL network is still quite weak and not every household enjoys an acceptable Internet connection.
  2. Same can be the other way around in cities and certain residential areas are connected to a good DSL network, but hardly receive the mobile network.
  3. Through LTE Hybrid, your router is able to switch between the individual networks entirely according to its own standards or even use them in parallel.
  4. This means you always get a faster connection and can achieve speeds of up to 100 Mbit per second in the download.

LTE Hybrid: pros and cons

  1. To use LTE Hybrid, you first need a router that is capable.
  2. LTE Hybrid is not offered everywhere and is only available in some residential areas. Setzen Sie sich dazu mit Ihrem Provider auseinander.
  3. Anders als bei der gewohnten Nutzung der mobilen Daten durch Ihr Smartphone erhalten Sie bei LTE Hybrid ein unbegrenztes Datenvolumen und zahlen nicht extra.

By Marlene

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