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Unblock Facebook - Here's how!

If someone accidentally ends up on your Facebook block list, there is an easy way to unblock them.

The interconnectedness of one's profile within the social network creates a so-called "filter bubble" through all the data provided, including blocking people, i.e. a space in which only the content that the user wants to see is displayed. When browsing social networks, you should be aware of this phenomenon.

How to proceed correctly

Before removing a person from the block list, you should consider why the person in question originally ended up on it. If you're uncomfortable with certain posts or messages, blocking is generally a good idea.
  1. Go to your Facebook home page and click the small down arrow in the top right corner.
  2. Click "Settings and Privacy" and then "Settings" again. Use the classic Facebook view, navigate to the settings and then directly left to "Block".
  3. Now click on "Block" on the left.
  4. Under "Block people" you will now find a listing of the users you have blocked on Facebook.
  5. Next to the person you now have the option "Unblock".
The person is now no longer blocked. However, this process alone does not create a "Facebook friendship". If you were previously friends with the person, you may now have to renew this.

By Forcier

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