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Windows Media Player stopped working

Windows Media Player is already part of Microsoft's standard software package for all Windows versions. However, if the player stops working, you have several options to repair it again or to fix the error.

If the Media Player hangs and stops working, it is usually enough to quit and restart the program. However, if the problem occurs more than once, you should fix the error.

This is what you can do if Windows Media Player does not work

If the player has an error on your computer, you have different options. However, the most effective is usually to reinstall the software. You can uninstall the program via the Control Panel and then reinstall it. Alternatively, you do this directly via the corresponding option in Windows.
  1. Go to the bottom of the Windows icon in the bar on your desktop. Search for "Control Panel" in the search bar.
  2. Open your computer's Control Panel.
  3. Then go to "Programs" and then "Programs and Features".
  4. Here you can click the "Enable or Disable Windows Features" button on the left side.
  5. A new window will open. Hier müssen Sie zunächst das Untermenü der Option „Medienfeatures“ öffnen. Dies tun Sie, indem Sie auf das Plus neben dem Eintrag klicken.
  6. Deaktivieren Sie hier die Option „Windows Media Player“ und bestätigen Sie die Warnmeldung mit einem Klick auf „Ja“.
  7. Drücken Sie nun auf „Ok“.
  8. Starten Sie den PC neu.
  9. Anschließend aktivieren Sie die Option, wie oben beschrieben, wieder.
  10. Nachdem Sie auf „Ok“ geklickt haben, wird der Player neuinstalliert.

By Kelly Ertel

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