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Windows Media Player: How to rotate the video!

Windows Media Player is still very commonly used to watch videos today. However, it can quickly happen that a video is displayed in the wrong format. In this case, you can rotate the video and watch it in Windows Media Player.

How to rotate your video using Media Player

Videos today are recorded using many different devices. In some cases, you may want to watch your video using Windows Media Player and the image of the video is rotated incorrectly. However, you cannot rotate the image directly through the player. The player only plays videos and offers hardly any possibilities to edit videos.However, there is a program called Windows Movie Maker that is also pre-installed. You can use this to shoot the video.
  1. First download Windows Movie Maker if the program is not already installed on your PC. Like Media Player, Movie Maker is already pre-installed on many version of Windows.
  2. Then start the program and add the video via "Add Videos and Photos".
  3. There is the "Rotate" icon on the top right. Klicken Sie auf die entsprechende Schaltfläche, können Sie das Video entweder nach rechts oder nach links um 90 Grad drehen.
  4. Klicken Sie anschließend auf „Film speichern“.
  5. Nun können Sie das gespeicherte Video erneut mit dem Windows Media Player abspielen.

By Girvin

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