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Open and read eBooks in Calibre: How it works

Calibre is one of the most popular programs to manage and convert eBooks. But in addition, you can even see the content of your eBooks there. Our guide shows how it works.

Perfect for a quick preview: In Calibre you can open and read all eBooks.

Normally eBooks are read on readers like the Kindle or on tablets. However, with Calibre you can also look into your eBooks on the PC.

How to open your eBooks in Calibre to read them

It only takes a few clicks:
  1. Right-click on the title in the eBook overview of Calibre.
  2. Select "Open books". In addition, there is the option "Open books in specific format".
Alternatively, you can simply press "V" once you have selected a book in the overview. In both cases, the so-called "eBook viewer" will then open, in which you can read your eBook. There are numerous additional options available in the left sidebar, for example the adjustment of the font size. The eBook view in Calibre doesn't necessarily look ultra-modern, but it fully serves its purpose.

By Ford

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