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Excel: Calculate age - with this function it works

With Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet program, you can record data sets and edit them using various formulas. If you would like to have the age of people automatically calculated based on their birthday, then there are various formulas available for you to choose from in the application.

How to calculate age in Excel

In Excel you have so-called formulas at your disposal. With these you can perform various calculations automatically and have the result entered in a cell. This is automatically updated when the cells used for the calculation are changed. If you want to have the age of persons calculated automatically, then you have various formulas to choose from. Note that you should enter dates using the "DATE" function to avoid errors.
  1. With the YEAR function, you can calculate the difference of two seasons "==(YEAR(NOW ())-YEAR(Date))". Instead of "date", specify the cell that contains the person's date of birth. The "NOW ()" or "NOW ()" function returns the current date.
  2. Alternatively, you can directly enter a year instead of the YEAR() function.
  3. Using the "=TAG()" function, you can calculate the number of days between two dates. Geben Sie diese dafür als Argument mit einem Semikolon getrennt an.
  4. Möchten Sie dagegen die Anzahl an Tagen ohne Feiertage und Wochenenden berechnen, dann können Sie die Formel „=NETTOARBEITSTAGE(Datum1;Datum2;Feiertage)“ nutzen. Dabei können Sie mithilfe von einem Extra-Argument Feiertage angeben, die bei der Berechnung nicht berücksichtigt werden sollen.

By Lashonda

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