HOME > S > Surface Pro 6: Change Password - This Is How To Do It Quickly

Surface Pro 6: Change password - this is how to do it quickly

With the Surface Pro 6, Microsoft has launched its new tablet. The new device again uses the Windows 10 operating system, which has the familiar operation to the advantage. So you can also change your password as usual.

How to change your password in Windows 10

You can change the password via the settings.
  1. If you operate your tablet with a keyboard, simply use the key combination "Windows" + "I" to open the settings. Otherwise, go to the bottom left of the search bar and type "Settings".
  2. In the settings window, now go further to the "Accounts" option and then "Login Options".
  3. Under "Password", now press the "Change" button.
  4. Now you need to enter your current password to set a new password. You must enter the new password twice. Make sure that your password consists of both upper and lower case letters and contains various special characters. Also, make sure it is at least eight characters long. These measures make it difficult for other people to guess your password.
  5. Once you are finished, you can save the setting with "Finish".
You can also change the password via the command prompt. To do this, start this as an administrator and enter the command net user "NAME" NEW PASSWORD. Here, replace NAME with the name of your account and NEWPASSWORD with your new password.

By Kaliski

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