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Android Q: Change design - here's how to do it

Android doesn't inherently offer that many options to customize the design. To make changes anyway, just use an Android launcher and app to download the appropriate themes. Since Android 9, there is also a Dark Mode.

How to change the design on Android Q

With Android, there are several options to customize the design.
  1. If you just want to put the operating system in Dark Mode, you do not need to download any extra software for this. First open the settings.
  2. Now go on to "Advanced" and then "Devices Theme". Here you can now choose between the different modes. "Light" and "Dark" are available to you. Tap on "Dark" to activate the Dark Mode.
  3. There are other designs that you can download from the Internet. But these are only active for 14 days in the free version. After that, Android switches back to the standard mode. If you want to continue using the design after that, you have to buy it.
  4. With some apps, you can also change the look of your Android without paying anything. For example, download the Nova Launcher. Mit diesem können Sie einige Elemente der UI anpassen und so zumindest bedingt einen anderen Look erzeugen.

By Banky

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